Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sharpie Farm?

So there I was, walking down the road when I stumbled upon it...

What is this I asked myself. Is it some kind of a meeting of sharpies? Maybe a support group for underused Sharpies or a family reunion I thought.

Then I went in for a closer look and realized it was a sharpie patch, with young underdeveloped Sharpies developing roots and growing towards the bright sunlight above.

Where in the world do they grow these things? Imagine driving down a busy freeway and you come across a large industrial farm growing millions of Sharpies with high pressure water spraying their development and the biggest harvesting machines you have even seen waiting at the end of the rows of color to pluck those ripe markers from the ground to be sent to the retail outlet near you!

I wonder what type of herbisides they use on Sharpie farms. Or maybe they are organic farms delivering only natural colors and sizes to the world. Just think of the possibilities...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Today I was getting ready for a trip to Brazil to shoot the ISAF World Youth Championship Regatta and as you guessed it, a Sharpie was one of my most important tools (along with some line for security).

Here you see my King Size Sharpie taking a break before a busy day of marking EVERYTHING I need for the trip.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Welcome to A Sharpie Today!

In reviewing my work as a photographer, I realized that Sharpies, those permanent markers with a variety of sizes and colors; are indispensable in my work as a pro. So, to keep my mind fresh, and my work as an artist continuing to grow I have decided to start this blog dedicated to the Sharpie.

You will see over time that these little pen-like devices are used for virtually everything. Maybe you will be prompted to go out and buy some. Maybe Sharpie will decide to use my work or concept in an ad program. Whatever the result, you will see how Sharpies are present in my work and life as I travel around the world taking photos.